Passion * Hope * Dream


Just now found this nice short piece of code for drawing a simple 5-pointed star:

>> theta = 0:4/5*pi:4*pi;
>> figure;
>> plot(cos(theta),sin(theta),'m-')
>> axis equal; axis tight


  • 2011-06-30 旺報 【記者梁世煌/綜合報導】

國際貨幣基金(IMF)新任總裁人選昨天凌晨終於塵埃落定,法國財政部長拉加德(Christine Lagarde)在中國、美國、俄羅斯等主要成員國支持下,確定成為下一任IMF總裁,她將是首位執掌IMF的女性,也是該組織第一位非經濟學家出身的掌門人,拉加德預計7月5日走馬上任,任期5年。

 根據IMF聲明,現年55歲的拉加德是在未經正式投票表決的情形下,以成員國協商並獲得一致通過方式贏得此一任命。現任墨西哥央行行長卡 斯滕斯則在此次爭取IMF總裁中確定敗北,因此,拉加德的任命案在獲得IMF的24個成員國背書後,意味著70年來IMF由歐洲人主導的「傳統」並未改 變。

 首要任務 解歐債危機









 值得注意的是,由於中國對拉加德表態支持,加上IMF第一副總裁利普斯基(John Lipsky)將於8月31日退休,前中國人民銀行(大陸央行)副行長、現任IMF總裁特別顧問的朱民已被外界認為是可能接任IMF第一副總裁的熱門人選。


星島日報 – 2011年6月22日星期三上午8:26

美國前駐華大使、共和黨的洪博培(Jon Huntsman)正式宣布角逐2012年美國總統職位。



洪博培於1960年3月出生在美國加利福尼亞州,早年就讀於猶他大學,後轉學到賓夕法尼亞大學攻讀工商管理專業並獲得學士學位。他曾先後擔任美國駐新加坡大 使和美國貿易副代表,2004年作為共和黨候選人當選猶他州州長,2008年贏得連任。2009年8月出任美國駐華大使,2011年4月結束任期回國。


看到這新聞, 不知怎的, 猜想洪博培可能是將金本位重設美國的重要人物.


Some very disturbing revelations from CLSA's Chris Wood who in his latest Greed and Fear note discusses an event that may be all to prevalent within the central banking community: the less than overt lending out of central bank gold to "other entities" in return for picking up nickels in front of a steamroller. In this case, the central bank of governmentless Belgium, which had 41% of its gold out at the end of 2010 on loan. Naturally, the lent out gold is being used by some other key entity, potentially to mask its own inventory deficit, in exchange for the paltry sum of 0.3% on the total loan. Wood's conclusion: "This is a reminder that the paper gold market is significantly larger than the physical market. Just like a run on a bank in a fractional banking system, GREED & fear suspects it will be very hard to settle all the paper claims to gold physically in a real scramble for the metal. This is why in a parabolic spike physical gold is likely to trade at a significant premium to paper claims." We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

From CLSA's Greed and Fear:

Belgian central bank Vice Governor Francoise Masai reportedly told shareholders that about 41% of the central bank’s 216 metric tons of gold was on loan at the end of last year, and that the central bank earned a 0.3% return on its loans of physical gold to commercial banks last year. There are two points to note about this. The first is the puny annualised return earned on the gold leasing market. The second is the significant percentage of the central bank’s gold lent out. This is a reminder that the paper gold market is significantly larger than the physical market. Just like a run on a bank in a fractional banking system, GREED & fear suspects it will be very hard to settle all the paper claims to gold physically in a real scramble for the metal. This is why in a parabolic spike physical gold is likely to trade at a significant premium to paper claims. On this point GREED & fear should make it clear that the 25% of the global portfolio for a US dollar-denominated pension fund allocated to gold bullion is in physical gold.

Meanwhile, it is an interesting note that more than a dozen state legislators in America have now seen bills introduced that would make gold and silver coins legal tender in the respective states. Thus, gold and silver coins minted by the US government are now considered legal tender in Utah. Much of this activism is coming from Tea Party supporters. Financial sophisticates will scoff. But to GREED & fear it is a healthy sign that some people in America are thinking. For more on this popular movement to return to the monetary role of gold read an article published last week by the Los Angeles Times (“Pushing for a return to the gold standard”, 3 June 2011 by Nathaniel Popper).

「Mannings消炎喉片」及「Mannings 葉酸5毫克」。


衞 生署昨日接獲萬寧母公司牛奶有限公司通知,指用作紓緩喉嚨痛的「Mannings消炎喉片」檢出含有百萬分之一點四的DEHP及百萬分之三點八的 DINP;食物補充劑「Mannings 葉酸5毫克」則含有百萬分之一點三的DEHP及百萬分之一點六DINP。巿民可於辦公時間致電二二九九 三三八一向萬寧查詢。








發不了財的原因 :


當然最大的原因是: 找不到一個支持我們變富有的環境....

《華爾街日報》-- 2011/6/ 20 星期一 (






到目前為止,一切順利。但不斷上漲的工資似乎正在稀釋中國工廠的競爭力。一個不言而喻的跡象是,美國服裝品牌Gap在中國商店裡出售的T恤 衫上標著「馬來西亞製造」的字樣,最便宜的牙刷也在越南製造。要解決這一問題,中國應實現轉型,成為更先進的製造商和服務提供商,而這就需要中國有更大、 更好、更自由的教育制度。一位官員說,中國現行教育制度在科學研究方面受到蘇聯管理模式的影響,中國精英人士都把子女送到國外讀書。




的確,富人通過購置第三套和第四套房進行投機,而其他人因為房價太高連一套都買不起。驅動中國資產泡沫的是中國的貨幣政策,而非美聯儲(Federal Reserve)的貨幣政策

美國利率低是因為美聯儲在刺激人們借貸。中國央行想減少貸款,但擁有強大政治力量的企業和政府借款人卻阻止利率升高。全球經濟分析師魯比尼(Nouriel Roubini),將中國的政策描述為:「收入從政治上弱勢的家庭向政治上強勢的企業大規模轉移:弱勢貨幣導致進口產品昂貴,低存款利率,以及對企業及開發商的低貸款利率,都相當於對儲蓄存款徵稅」。





在北京以北約96公里 處的一個村莊,蜿蜒的長城基本上對遊客沒什麼吸引力,映入眼簾的是十幾幢簡易的農舍,還有一幢嶄新的、更寬、更高的三層磚房。它看起來與周圍環境格格不入。大家都知道是誰建的:當地的村支書,而且花的不是他的工資。


The European Union, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund are negotiating hard among themselves about how to structure debt relief for the Greek economy. The latest reports suggest they might have come up with a temporary deal among themselves. But what the EU, ECB and IMF want won't matter unless they get the Greek government to play as well. And that's by no means assured.

For one thing, Greeks are growing fed up with austerity and seem very unwilling to take on the still stricter conditions being demanded of them to win fresh funding and avoid default. The Greek economy has taken a beating during the past couple of years. Non-stop, large-scale political protests, routine general strikes and parliamentary rebellion have brought Athenian streets to a standstill. And Prime Minister George Papandreou's government is teetering.

Greeks are starting to question whether there might not be an easier way out of their crisis. And inevitably, Argentina's experience a decade ago has been attracting plenty of interest.

In the three years leading up to its crisis the Argentine economy struggled, contracting a total of 8.4% by the end of 2001. Strains became so great that the country defaulted on its sovereign debt, causing its economy to slump another 11% in 2002. But the unshackling of its currency from the dollar and subsequent devaluation also reignited growth. Since its 2002 low, Argentine gross domestic product will have expanded by an average annual 7.4% by the end of this year, according to IMF data. Crucially, Argentine output was back above its previous peak within three years of default.

Compare this with Greece's prospects. The IMF forecasts the Greek economy will have contracted 9.3% from its 2008 peak by the end of this year. Although the IMF expects Greece to start growing again next year, that is difficult to believe. The one constant of this crisis has been that all forecasts for Greece have been overly optimistic. Worse still, once Greece starts to grow, it is expected only to do so at an anemic rate of around 2% per year. By the end of 2016, the Greek economy will only just be back to end-2008 levels.

Greeks might well decide an Argentine solution is the only real option. In other words, an exit from the euro, default and devaluation. And maybe that's what the market is already anticipating.

Barry Eichengreen, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, famously argued that a euro-zone country couldn't leave the single currency because to do so would trigger "the mother of all financial crises." Long before the long political process necessary for any euro-zone country to leave the single currency was concluded, investors would have voted with their wallets. They'd dump the country's sovereign debt and flee its banks.

But this is pretty much what has already happened to Greece. Two-year Greek debt yields 28% while 10-year bonds are trading at less than half of face value. And for months now, depositors have been pulling funds out of Greek banks. Only the lifeline of yet more EU and IMF loans is keeping Greece in the euro. Loans that will have to be paid back.

If Greeks come to think they're already near or have reached the worst-case outcome of a euro exit but are getting none of the upside, they may well start to agitate to leave the single currency.

That would put the EU and the ECB into a very difficult position. A Greek default and departure from the euro would risk a systemic crisis across Europe's financial sector because of the huge exposure of Europe's banks to Greek government debt. The EU doesn't want to give in to Greece because of the costs involved and for fear of feeding moral hazard. But as the financial crisis showed, punctiliousness goes by the wayside when the crunch becomes severe enough.

The Bank of England worried publicly about the consequences of bailing out Northern Rock but then, after the Lehman Brothers collapse, had no compunction about pumping enormous amounts of money into the rest of the U.K.'s banking sector.

German, Dutch and Finnish politicians may be worried about how handing bottomless buckets of money to Greece will play out with their voters, but the alternative looks even uglier.

Ironically, were the Greeks to decide that a euro exit was not only possible, but desirable, the core EU, led by Germany, would almost certainly make huge concessions, including wholesale debt forgiveness.

Of course before they did so, core euro-zone countries would have to weigh up the costs of letting Greece off the hook relative to another rescue of their banking sectors. And not just Greece. Ireland and Portugal and possibly Spain and Italy would demand some sort of easing of their national liabilities if they saw Greece getting too good a deal. This would potentially be catastrophic for the politicians making the concessions. But the more Greeks become convinced they can go it alone the better the deal the EU would have to serve up to prevent them from doing so.

Could core Europe do this without going the way of Ireland, becoming a backstop that itself goes bust under the crushing weight of others' debts? It'll be interesting to see who draws the line where in this Greek standoff.


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has been targeted by a sophisticated cyber attack.

Officials at the fund gave few details but said the attack earlier this year had been "a very major breach" of its systems, the New York Times reports.

Cyber security officials said the hack was designed to install software to create a "digital insider presence".

The IMF, which holds sensitive economic data about many countries, said its operations were fully functional.

The cyber attack took place over several months, and happened before former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested over sexual assault charges.

"I can confirm that we are investigating an incident," said spokesman David Hawley.

"I am not in a position to elaborate further on the extent of the cyber security incident."

The New York Times said IMF staff had been told of the intrusion on Wednesday by e-mail, but that the Fund had not made a public announcement.

The e-mail warned that "suspicious file transfers" had been detected and that an investigation had shown a desktop at the Fund had been "compromised and used to access some Fund systems".

There was "no reason to believe that any personal information was sought for fraud purposes," it said.

High profile breaches

A cyber security expert told Reuters the infiltration had been a targeted attack which installed software designed to give a nation state a "digital insider presence" at the IMF.

"The code was developed and released for this purpose," said Tom Kellerman, who has worked for the Fund.

Bloomberg quoted an unnamed security expert as saying the hackers were connected to a foreign government. However, such attacks are very difficult to trace.

The World Bank said it briefly cut its network connection with the Fund out "an abundance of caution".

"The World Bank Group, like any other large organisation, is increasingly aware of potential threats to the security of our information system and we are constantly working to improve our defences," said spokesman Rich Mills.

The incident is the latest in a string of high-profile cyber security breaches.

In April, the Sony Playstation network was shut down after hackers stole the personal data of about 100 million accounts and in May, US defence firm Lockheed Martin said it had come under a significant cyber-attack.

CIA Director Leon Panetta told the US Congress earlier this week that a large-scale cyber attack which would cripple power, finance, security and governmental systems was "a real possibility in today's world".!4037F460-50B5-4C32-8AAB-EAAB717DA6D9

JUNE 10, 2011
In an interview with WSJ's Simon Constable, famed investor Jim Rogers weighs in on what it will take to solve the U.S. debt crisis, why he's shorting U.S. tech companies, why the stimulus package was a bad idea, and the looming energy crisis.

問題食品全國氾濫,昨日母親節,中國母親們有個簡單而奢侈的節日願望:讓子 女可吃上無毒食品!在重慶,一名八十後母親為減少兒子吃到毒食品風險,甘願做農夫,她租下農田,親手種植有機蔬菜,雖然辛苦,但勝在新鮮無毒。類似情況, 在內地已非個案,輿論直指民眾對政府已信心盡失,改革開放卅年,反而退回農耕時代,怒問「當官的有母親沒有?」


租田種有機菜 較買有保障



網民表同感 齊轟政府瀆職

其實,內地近來愈來愈多民眾抱着唐女士的想法,上個月她菜田隔壁就增加了五十多戶「菜農」。除此,內地部分民眾也興起在住家露 台、天台,甚至馬路邊種菜,而各大政府機關、國企更誇張,耗費巨資包農場種菜、養殖,專供自己的飯堂。大批網民對於民眾無奈自種的情況大表同感,直言若非 政府瀆職,監管不嚴,何來大批「城市農夫」?




I just got off the phone with Pierre Jananovic . . . La Banque Postale has lowered the limits on the amounts of cash customers can withdraw per week by 50%. First of all, for you Americans and Brits, the way France works its banking system – customers are limited to how much they can withdraw per week from their accts no matter what the balance. Now what has happened here is that Gold card members – who could take out 3,000 euros a week – are now limited to 1,500 a week. This was sudden, without warning, and people here in France are freaking out. Pierre tells me that its the first clear sign that liquidity in the European banking system is drying up.


敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了; 因為我們沒有帶甚麼到世上來,也不能帶甚麼去只要有衣有食,就當知足。 --提摩太前書6:6-8

Today I came across this clip, very interesting:

A few items that I should look at when I have more spare time:

1. Climategate (sadly I overlooked this news and related stories when it happened)

2. The Secrets of The Federal Reserve written by Eustace Clarence Mullins, Jr. (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 2010)

Author: goldnews | Filed under: Central Bank News, Precious Metals News

Thats right. The Fed owns NO gold. Zero, zip, ziltch.

For those of you who did not watch yesterday’s monetary policy hearing in the house of representatives, you most likely missed this bombshell exchange between Federal Reserve lawyer Scott Alvarez and committee chairman Dr. Ron Paul. My jaw literally dropped when I heard the Fed’s general counsel declare that the Federal Reserve owns no gold. After 1934, Alvarez explains that the Fed handed its gold over to the Treasury in exchange for gold certificates. When pressed further, Alvarez noted that the gold certificates do not represent any interest whatsoever in the gold itself. He explained the gold certificate listings on the Fed balance sheet, not as a claim to gold, but at most a claim to dollars from the Treasury. See the quotes here (and watch the videos at the bottom of the post):

Scott Alvarez: “The Federal Reserve does not own any gold at all… we have not owned gold since 1934, um, so we have not engaged in any gold swap. Before 1934 the Federal Reserve did, we did own gold. We turned that over by law to the Treasury and received in return for that gold certificates.”

Ron Paul: “…You have the securities for essentially all the gold?”

Scott Alvarez: “No. No we have no interest in the gold that is owned by the Treasury. We have simply an accounting document that is called gold certificates that represents the value at a statutory rate that we gave to the Treasury in 1934″

This issue is even more complicated than may appear and after doing some research we seem to have settled some of the quirks in this odd Treasury-Fed scheme. Bare with us when reading through this.

What appears to have happened under the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 is the Treasury seized the Fed’s gold, taking full ownership and claim to its proceeds. The Treasury as an aside transferred a sum of special 1934 series gold certificates to the Fed amounting to the statutory value of gold ($20.67 per ounce) times the quantity of gold transfered from the Fed to the Treasury. The official gold price was later revalued to $35 an ounce, an effective devaluation of the currency, but the quantity of gold certificates issued to the Fed was not amended to reflect revaluation until the passing of the Par Value Modification Act of 1972. Under this act, gold was revalued again, this time to $38 an oz, and the Fed’s gold certificate account was credited upwards by $822 million worth of certificates to reflect the change in the gold price from $35 to $38. The gold was revalued one last time in 1973 to $42.22 and again the Federal Reserve was credited with more gold certificates, $1.157 billion to be exact, to account for this. After everything, the Federal Reserve was left with $11.16 billion dollars worth of gold certificates.

So what exactly are the gold certificates the Fed holds? For one, the Fed’s gold certificates are unlike previous gold certificate issues, and are not publicly trade-able. They are also not direct claims to gold, but rather reflect claims only to US issued currency or coin held by the Treasury. The Fed can take claim to this currency on demand, and their certificates are an accounted for liability of the Treasury as listed in Note 19. Treasury’s “Other Liabilities”. In addition, if the Treasury is unable to satisfy a demand by the Fed for the funds, the Fed is able to gain access to the gold, since the gold stands as collateral for the gold certificates issued by the Treasury. This fact is taken from this statement in Note 2, from the Treasury’s balance sheet:

“Gold totaling $11.1 billion as of September 30, 2010, and 2009, was pledged as collateral for gold certificates issued and authorized to the FRBs by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Given that the Fed has an indirect claim to the Treasury’s gold, it is questionable what line of reasoning the Fed’s general counsel was using when stating so broadly that the Fed has “no interest in the gold that is owned by the treasury”.

In any case, we can analyze the implications of the basic facts and come to a couple of conclusions:

1) The widespread notion that the Fed owns gold is false. The corollary to this is the mistaken belief that the Fed understates its gold holdings on its balance sheet by only reporting certificates based on the $42.22 statutory gold value. The Fed does not in fact own the US gold stock multiplied by the market price of gold, unless the Treasury defaults and even then its not clear. The Fed does, however, own a claim to currency totaling $11.1 billion and this value has a remote chance of going up significantly if the Treasury revalues its gold and maintains the practice initiated in the Par Value Modification Act.

2) The fact that the Fed owns no gold, nor claims to any gold, means the fundamental value of the dollar lacks any backing besides dollars themselves, not including Fed building and equipment. Dollars are in essence worth a lot less than many people thought, and the Fed is much more impotent in using the prowess of their assets, and conducting monetary policy in general, than many believed. In all, Alvarez’s clarification strengthens the case for gold’s high dollar value immensely.

“We’re moving nearer and nearer to the edge of the hurricane. I can feel it in my bones. Every newspaper now carries an ad for gold. The ironic clincher was this ad below that I clipped from a weekly newspaper.

“Is there a gold bubble? Are you kidding me? Here’s an ad that somebody paid for suggesting that people should turn in their gold (!!) for Federal Reserve Notes. They’re not telling you to buy gold during one of the greatest bull markets in history – hardly, they’re asking you to throw parties in which the object is to get ignorant people to SELL their gold.

“I can feel them caressing my face – the early breezes. They are blowing gently and hinting of the forthcoming gold hurricane that will sweep across the US and the planet with all the force and power that was seen when gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Creek during the California gold rush of 1849. The gold rush of the 2000s is in the wings. The old phrase is ringing in my ears again (I haven’t heard it since the late ’70s): ‘There’s no fever like gold fever’.

“If the temperature of full gold fever is a hot 106, we’re only at 99 now, but I can feel it, I can tell you that the temperature is rising, rising.

“The panic to buy gold will override everything else. It will be one of the greatest financial phenomena that most of today’s investors will ever see. It will blot out everything else like a cloud blotting out the sun.

“After the calm, comes the storm. We’ve been watching ten years of gold climbing amid an atmosphere of calm. The great gold tsunami lies ahead. It will be historic.

“… BEFORE the great gold tsunami we might have a frightening gold correction that would clean out all the gold sceptics. This ‘clean out’ may be necessary prior to the big gold tsunami, and it’s a reason to hold some cash and not put ALL your money into gold at this time. Remember the old adage – ‘The market always does what it’s supposed to — BUT NEVER WHEN’.”

Source: Dow Theory Letters, April 21, 2011.

來自 證券說 (









美 國國債市場的運轉基礎依然是美元將永遠保持全球基準貨幣這一假設。例如﹐商學院教給學生的仍是說﹐10年期美國國債利率是「無風險利率」﹐過去一百多年的 確如此﹐但這一切是建立在「美國時代」的基礎上。可實際上「美國時代」早就已經週身病痛了!美國問題其實比希臘還糟糕,只是因為它的美元目前還是國際貨 幣,使它能可以靠這「江湖地位」暫時維持多一段時間而已。

觀察歷史的法國「密西西比泡沫」,當其發行的Banque Royale Notes紙幣所造成的虛假繁榮破裂後,結果是什麼?

Banque Royale Notes回歸它本來的初始價值──「零」。除無法大量生產的自然資源的商品外,其餘依附紙幣上漲的東西全部貶值。





1. 貨幣危機

1930 年代美國大蕭條的時候,之所以沒有爆發「貨幣危機」,那是因為美國走的是金本位,美元背後都有黃金作支持的緣故。但是現在的美元完全只是靠政府信用支持, 現在的美國政府越來越沒有信用,你認為未來美元還值多少錢?換成是你,你會收這一直貶值的貨幣嗎?聰明人早就將它換成金銀或外國貨幣了!



美 國股市多年來其實是靠通貨膨脹推高的,當泡沫破裂,此基礎就不在,因為債市和經濟的崩潰,股市也難于倖免。不過同樣的,業務穩健,特別擁有不少海外業務, 又債務不高,具備強大競爭力的公司可以挨過來,只是過程不輕鬆而已,尤其是面臨股價暴跌。股市中傷害最大的是金融股,可以逆勢而上的可能只有資源股。

4. 600兆衍生產品的風險

5. 人口老化危機
「美 元紙幣泡沫」崩潰會使美國經濟虛假的繁榮破裂,加上人口老化的加劇,7600萬「嬰兒潮」的退休,而過去美國制造大量的通貨膨脹和財政缺口,已經侵蝕這些 「嬰兒潮」的退休收入,美國會因為應付這些人的「社保系統」和「醫療保障」等問題而焦頭燗額,沒有20年經濟都難以恢復過去的活力。



「美 元紙幣泡沫」崩潰也就是美元本位的國際貨幣體系瓦解。世界會陷入群雄割據的狀態,眼下最有可能的就是建立一個有金銀支持的聯合國貨幣,或者幾個區域的聯合 貨幣。因為「美元紙幣泡沫」崩潰也意味著信用紙幣的失敗,所以世界不可能會回到信用紙幣體系。加上崩潰所帶來的嚴重通貨膨脹,會促使世界各國以穩定物價為 第一要務,而非經濟成長,黃金就是最好的遏制通膨的工具。

雖然目前世界各國在探討未來國際貨幣體系的時候,說多作少,說回歸金本位也不 多,那是因為美元現在還沒崩潰的緣故。可當美元不斷貶值下,世界各國總有一天會被「逼上梁山」。而且它們也會發現建立一個無金銀的紙幣體系根本就是天方夜 譚。即使使用SDR,以各國的貨幣的若干權重集合起來的一種貨幣,也會面臨難以協調各國的貨幣政策的問題,最直接簡單的就是以金銀這些真正的國際貨幣作為 控制SDR發行量的閘門。






莫里斯探究了過去1/4世纪的貸款狂潮,“若錢是免费的,借錢也就没有成本了……于是,聰明的貸款人就會不斷地把錢借出去,直到無人再借為止”。 無人再借其實也就表示經濟因為背負高債務,被壓垮了!

