Passion * Hope * Dream


(轉) 由焦慮引發的 赴美購房熱

近幾年國內興起了一股赴美購房熱。截至2013年3月,在剛 剛過去的一年裡,中國買家在美國現房交易市場投入了近90億美元,連續兩年成為外國購房者中的第二主力,僅次於加拿大。而且中國人購買的房屋均價高達 42.5萬美元,遠超其他外國人。中國人赴美買房的原因包括獲取綠卡,換取更好的教育和發展機會、投資美國房產來規避國內經濟下挫的風險和危機。而一些在 其中發現商機的創業者,則抓住機遇,創富崛起。……

中國人已經掀起一股到美國買房置業的巨流,雖然這些買家未必都像這位女富豪般闊綽。美國國家房地產經紀人協會的數據顯示,截至2013年3月,在剛 剛過去的一年裡,中國買家在美國現房交易市場投入了近90億美元,連續兩年成為外國購房者中的第二主力,僅次於加拿大。而且中國人購買的房屋均價高達 42.5萬美元,遠超其他外國人。







十幾年前,尹先生就在河北衡水老家開了家私立學校,學生能在他那裡從幼兒園上到高中。2005年,他來到北京開辦雙語培訓學校,並希望落戶北京,至 少也得讓兒子成為北京人。於是,他早早地在北京買了房。房子不大,他還想換個大的,但他沒想到的是,後來出了限購政策,他的願望落空了。他在北京一直找不 到家的感覺。這不是最要緊的,要緊的是他正在北京讀小學的兒子以後只能回原籍參加高考,上好大學難度由此陡增。在他看來,現行的戶籍制度是人為地把人分為 三六九等,他兒子要成為北京人比成為美國人還難。既然如此,何不把兒子送到美國去呢?兒子今年10歲,他想,兒子再在國內讀一年國際學校,他就把他送到美 國去。當然,他得先給兒子在美國買套房。

從2009年起,尹先生每年都要到美國考察。去年年底,美國房價開始觸底回升,買房的人驟然增加。在舊金山,買一套房要同二三十人一起競爭,其中少 不了中國人,有些人爭了一年還沒能買到。即便在華人較少的西雅圖,競購者也能有三五個。美國不少城市所謂高尚社區已鮮有房源了,七成中國人都拿着大筆現金 全款出手,讓當地人都甭想得手。


經過在美國幾年的了解,尹先生深感在美國買房其實就是買鄰居。美國住宅業主每年皆要繳納房產稅,各州稅率不盡相同,根據政府給房屋的估價計算。但這 筆稅費會被投入到附近的公立中小學和市政建設上,因此也就形成了房價越貴,學校和周邊環境就越好,從而更能吸引富人居住的循環狀態。買下這套房子后,尹東輝終於不再為兒子如何才能上一個好學校焦慮了。如今的他,喜歡時不時到附近的教堂去轉轉,或者踱到湖邊去做個釣翁。




華先生今年46歲,北京人,在天津經營一家石油機械公司已經十多年了。他從2002年開始就在北京投資住宅和商鋪,收益也頗豐。但近幾年來,他明顯 感到自己的生意在走下坡路。「整個經濟形勢不好,政策的不確定性也太大,民企的生存空間越來越小。我看着不少朋友的公司從小做到大,又從大做到沒有的,感 覺自己守着的是一筆浮財。」華鍵說,他「對國內政治和經濟形勢都看不懂」,焦慮感由此與日俱增。

2010年10月,他聽說美國房價不再跌了,周圍很多朋友準備到美國買房,他也動了投資美國房產的念頭。他的想法很簡單,不過是「雞蛋不能放在一個 籃子里」。聯繫了幾家中介后,他認準了一家提供赴美購房服務的網站。這家網站不僅能夠提供從選房到交易結束的全程服務,還可以代管購房人在美國的物業。

美國的房子是永久產權,所有信息都透明可查,不需要跑諸多部門簽字,租金也基本可以預期,即便收益率和升值空間有限,華先生也覺得心裡踏實。他接受 了購房網站的建議,買了一棟位於芝加哥的小樓。房子建築面積800多平米,佔地5000平米,才花了他87萬美元。今年初,從簽約、付定金到房屋驗收,他 只用了一個月時間。超出他預期的是,原房主還答應以5%的利息貸款給他37萬美元。

另外華先生接受了網站推薦的NNN商業地產模式,這種租約規定,房產稅、房屋保險、維修打理等一切費用由租客承擔,租客通常是麥當勞、政府部門、幼 兒園、銀行等組織而非個人。雖然投資回報率不高,但業主只需坐收租金,不必親自打理租賃業務細節,特別適合華先生這樣的不常在美國的投資人。




林先生就是這家幫助華先生赴美購房服務的網站的創始人,去年5月才成立。2009年,林先生跟朋友移民加拿大溫哥華。在國內做軟件公司管理工作的他 到國外一時找不到合適的工作,遂讀起了MBA。讀書期間,他開始留意北美的房產,發現西雅圖與溫哥華氣候、環境相當,房價卻低了三分之二。從2010年9 月起的一年多時間裡,他幾乎每周驅車到西雅圖看房。自己買了幾套房后,他發現了商機:美國的房產市場與中國差別很大,政策和法律層面更是懸殊,對於不了解 美國情況的中國人來說,選好一套房子要花費很多時間和精力。如果人不在美國,則幾乎不可能完成。他發覺自己可以在其中充當掮客。2012年初,林先生與西雅圖的一位房產經紀人一起創立這家網站,設計了一套適合海外投資者的購房流程,並通過與美國房產經紀人對半分成獲利。


然而,無論這個行業如何興旺,移民的人們能從中獲得什麼,未來又會如何?我們仍然要問在中國現代化史上,曾發生多次移民潮。「樹挪死,人挪活。」泛 覽史籍可知,以前的多次移民潮都爆發在中國貧窮的時候。到如今,中國富了,但移民潮並未停止,移民的主體變成了富人,這是讓人很費思量的一件事。我們為什 麼要遠離父母之邦?我們何時才能不再焦慮?


Thanks. You've made me believe in personal power again.

(轉) 品味的奇妙「邊際效益遞增」現象

邊際效益遞減:對於某個物品或是服務的第一次消費所產生的效益,會大於第二次消費所產生的效益,並且消費次數越多,單次消費的效益就越低 –Translated from Wikipedia
讀過個體經濟學入門的人應該都對「邊際效益遞減」有些印象,常舉的例子是吃掉第一顆蘋果之後,第二顆 (一模一樣的) 蘋果就會覺得沒那麼好吃。邊際效益遞減的背後是個人的心理現象,當一個需要被滿足後,對於重複或是類似東西的需求會大幅降低。

當然邊際效益不是永遠遞減的,最好的例子就是一顆 (比看起來還好吃很多的) 蘋果吃了第一口後,你會更想要吃第二口。喝啤酒時配了第一顆五香花生,大概很少人能抗拒一顆接一顆直到整盤都清空。這又是人體的另外一種現象,有些慾望是 需要被引發的,尤其那些「體驗性」的商品與服務。而且一旦被引發之後,初期的需求強度似乎是遞增,而不是遞減的。


然後還有些時候,邊際效益的現象是隱隱發生的,幾天前 Economist 上的一篇 The utility of bad art 探討了這樣的情況發生在對藝術的「品味」之上。

這篇文章首先引用一個由 Cornell 心理系教授 James E. Cutting 所發表的論文 Gustave Caillebotte, French Impressionism, and mere exposure。 在 Cutting 的研究裡面,他以 Cornell 的大學生作為研究對象,在一學期的每堂課開始前,教授會先把一些較不知名的印象派畫作的其中一張,在螢幕上播放僅僅兩秒鐘給學生們看。整個學期的下來,結 果發現相較於一些較知名的印象派作品,這些被「快閃」的學生們反而會對那些較不知名的作品產生偏好。相對的,沒有被這樣默默影響的對照組學生們,則會比較 偏好那些較知名的作品。

因此 Cutting 教授的結論是品味這種東西是後天的,當人類社會的意見領袖決定了什麼是美,並且將它不斷以作品的方式展示給族人們欣賞,則久而久之這樣的風格就會被整個社 會認定為美,最後產生邊際效益遞增的情況。也就是說,當你的周遭不斷的出現黃色,你會漸漸的認同黃色,久而久之也開始偏好黃色 ── 沒錯,正是羊群效應

但羊群真的是這麼盲從嗎?事情也沒有這麼簡單。為了更進一步探討這個問題,英國 Leeds 大學的 Aaron Meskin 教授等人又做了另一組更細緻的研究,並且發表了一篇 Mere Exposure to Bad Art。 在這個實驗中,Meskin 把學生分為兩組,一組給他們看知名度較高,但在藝術圈地位較低的 Thomas Kinkade 的作品,另一組給他們看較不知名,但在藝術圈評價較高的 John Everett Millais 的作品。結果發現,剛開始學生對 Kinkade 的作品會產生較高的偏好,但看多了之後邊際效益會遞減。而剛開始他們對 Millais 的好感度較低,但久而久之會越來越能欣賞 Millais 作品中的品味。
Preference of good art
這大概就是「譁眾取寵」跟「有深度」的差別吧。所以端看你的產品是要以快打快,像電視購物一樣刺激人們衝動購物,或是你要走漸入佳境路線,像 Apple 一般讓人越用越愛不釋手。但無論如何,身為消費性市場的創業者,好好了解人性的種種心理,是絕對必要的功課。


(轉) 大腦越用才會越靈活



但是隨著醫學技術的發展,在腦部成像技術的輔助下,近幾年的大量研究都得出了截然不同的結果,有助於推翻這個觀點!在我們一生當中,腦中的灰白質神經組織(grey matter)會不斷再生,形成新的活性細胞,市場研究公司SharpBrains創始人兼CEO阿爾瓦羅•費爾南德斯說:“人類的大腦就像是一個充滿生機、不斷生長的茂密森林,裡面有數十億個神經細胞和神經節。”


為了提供更多這方面的知識給一般民眾,費爾南德斯聯合其他的作者一起寫下《大腦健康指南》(The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness)一書,這本書將目前在這一領域的大量研究成果總結成了具體的建議,指導讀者如何從現在做起,預防老年癡呆和未來可能出現的其他認知功能障 礙。

1. 不間斷的學習。最新研究發現,一個人的受教育程度越高,患老年性智力衰退的機率越低,費爾南德斯發現: “接受過高等教育的人更有可能從事刺激智力的工作,”而這將促進新神經細胞的生成,如果在職業生涯當中養成不斷學習新技能的習慣,它將不僅有利於你的大腦 健康,而且還可以提高自身的價值,使你擁有更加廣闊的發展前景。

2. 讓自己完全沉浸在另一種文化中。最佳的比喻就是學習一門外語,以美國為例,隨著美國公司(尤其是市場行銷)比以往更加強調雙語化,學習西班牙語成為一個明智的選擇——當然,要想要給你的大腦終極挑戰,你也可以選擇學習俄語、漢語或阿拉伯語,因為這幾種語言的字母不同,進一步提高了它的挑戰性。


3. 嘗試有難度且持續性的任務。費爾南德斯寫道:“目的是要嘗試新鮮事物,提高挑戰的難度,所以任務肯定不能 太簡單,也不能太常見。”他還表示,這意味著“花費精力,走出自己的舒適區。”多樣性與挑戰一樣重要,最近許多研究均顯示:“過度專業化並非保持長期大腦健康的最佳策略,一名證券交易商可能希望嘗試一項藝術活動,以此來刺激自己很少用到的腦細胞。”

4. 管理自身壓力。費爾南德斯說:“不論壓力源自外部事件還是自己內心的想法,過多的壓力都會殺死神經細胞, 而且會阻止新細胞的形成。”很明顯,這不是我們想看到的。萬幸,《大腦健康指南》一書詳細介紹了如何通過體育鍛煉、冥想甚至開懷大笑來保護大腦免受過多壓力 的破壞,此外,這些措施還可以防止職業倦怠,隔一段時間真正休一次假也被證明是緩解壓力的有效方法。

5. 多交朋友。有許多不同的好友,不僅會在你想換工作(或招聘合適人選)時變成巨大的優勢,而且費爾南德斯寫 道,事實證明,“社交參與有利於大腦健康。”新研究發現,定期與其他人互動有利於“提高短期績效,以及增強認知儲備。”到底有多少好朋友才是理想狀態?人類大腦皮層似乎只能處理有限數量的關係,這個數量(神經科學家們以發現者的名字命名,稱其為鄧巴數量(Dunbar’s number))就是150個,有趣的是,費爾南德斯發現,雖然許多人在Facebook上有數千好友,“但標準數量約為120個,這與鄧巴數量基本一致 ——也就是人們在真實生活中的朋友和熟人數量。”
本文作者:Anne Fisher,《財富》雜誌《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始於1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。


LONDON | Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:22am EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - Gold, and only gold, will be our salvation when the value of companies, banks, countries and even money itself melts away. Gold, not shifting currencies, is the foundation of wealth and security. Gold is back, for good.

This is the song of the "gold bugs" - the fervent fans of the precious metal who have clung to its investment value for three generations and now glow in the reflected luster of a record price approaching $2,000 for just one ounce.

Monday will mark the 40th anniversary of the United States' abandonment of the gold standard. But gold bugs kept the faith -- even when prices stayed under $500 for nearly 25 years after their 1981 peak.

Their passion derided, dismissed as hopelessly out dated doomsayers, their love for the metal seemed irrational.

The gold bug label itself goes back to master of the supernatural Edgar Allen Poe and his story of that name, a tale of golden beetle whose bite sends the hero to a chest of gold and jewels.

It reappeared as one of the first campaign buttons -- a brass bug sported by supporters of William McKinley in the bitter U.S. presidential election of 1896.

McKinley, the first presidential candidate to barnstorm across the nation, backed the gold standard against his Democratic opponent's proposal that it should be joined by silver in a fixed ratio. Loser William Bryan slipped into history but bimetallism lived on for a little in the think tanks of the day.

Fast forward and the financial crisis of 2008 has made gold the darling of investors from hedge funds to taxi drivers, and sparked a near-doubling of prices.

"Gold has been rising against all national currencies, and that's significant," James Turk, founder of bullion dealer Goldmoney, said.

"When there are problems with a national currency... people begin to worry about the value of their money, whether they're going to lose purchasing power because of inflation or other problems. As a consequence, they look for safe havens."

He was speaking as a true gold bug -- not in the dark days after Lehman Brothers' demise in 2008, nor in the depths of last year's euro zone debt crisis, nor after Standard & Poor's recent downgrade of the United States' top-notch credit rating.

Turk's view came in a BusinessWeek interview he gave in 2005, well in advance of the current financial crisis.

"My long-standing forecast, made in a Barron's interview in October 2003, is that $8,000 per ounce will be reached sometime between 2013-2015," he told Reuters this week.

"I've stayed with that forecast over the years and see no reason to change it."

The world's current financial woes are only going to get worse if current policies continue, he believes, meaning the rally in gold prices is unlikely to stop here.

"Politicians and central bankers are making decisions that debase national currencies, and the resulting bad monetary policies they are following are causing the gold price to rise," he said.

Gold's latest push to record highs has gone hand-in-hand with a plunge in Wall Street stocks to their lowest in nearly a year, while the dollar is languishing near multi-year lows.

Long-term gold bull David Beahm, vice president of marketing and economic research at New Orleans bullion dealer Blanchard and Co., says worries over the stability of the stock markets will be a key driver of higher gold prices.

"The best investment right now is gold," he said. "By diversifying one's portfolio with a negatively-correlated gold, investors can protect themselves from deep plunges in the equity market."

"There is no news in the market today or over the coming few months that is likely to stop the current gold bull market, as the fundamentals are firmly in place for gold to continue its rise," he says.

Traditional investment commentators have dismissed gold -- which, with no "intrinsic" value of its own, is only really as valuable as a buyer thinks it is -- as a classic bubble.

But those who have predicted its crash since it rose above $700 an ounce in 2006, on a simple "what goes up, must come down" analysis, have consistently been proved short-sighted.

Gold prices traded in a relatively narrow range from $250-420 an ounce for the whole of the 1990s. They have since more than quadrupled from that high, peaking at a record just below $1,800 an ounce earlier this week.

Their rise accelerated sharply from 2005 onwards, breaking through $1,000 an ounce in 2008 as the weaker dollar fueled demand for alternative stores of value.

Now gold bulls are predicting that prices, now around $1,750 an ounce, but still short of an inflation-adjusted high of nearly $2,500 in 1980, could climb even higher.

"I believe the price of gold will rise irregularly over the next several years, possibly reaching $1,850 an ounce by the end of this year, breaking above $2,000 in 2012, and possibly $3,000, $4,000, and even $5,000 in years to come," says Jeffrey Nichols, managing director of American Precious Metals Advisors and senior economic advisor to Rosland Capital.

"At the heart of this forecast is my observation (or belief) that the United States and, to a lesser but still significant extent, Europe have been living beyond our means for decades."

Back in 1896, losing presidential candidate Bryan's Cross of Gold speech turned the watching crowd into "a wild, raging irresistible mob," the New York Times reported.

Gold bugs, often accused of sensationalism, are finding their passion is becoming mainstream. "Raging" is probably no longer a suitable description of them. "Irresistible" is increasingly nearer the mark.

(Reporting by Jan Harvey, editing by William Hardy and Richard Mably)

2011年07月14日 18:44  本文来源于财新网 订阅《新世纪》 | 注册财新网

  【财新网】(见习记者 余思伟)澳大利亚第三大铁矿石生产商FMG宣布使用人民币进行中澳贸易结算。

  澳大利亚新快网报道称,FMG总裁安德鲁·弗鲁斯特(Andrew Forrest)称,这会成为一种趋势,因为更有利与中国做生意。


  FMG首席运营官Nev Power表示,已经以人民币完成一份与中国的交易,不过还未涉及铁矿石销售。





買多賣少 實金一度缺貨



記者昨以顧客身份到多間金舖查詢,營業員均向記者表示,昨晨飾金牌價曾3度更改,由每両1.7萬多元升至1.8萬多元。營業員笑稱,昨晨有顧客選購 金鏈連吊墜時,希望考慮片刻,不料稍後折返時,牌價已經上升,令該批金飾售價較之前貴數百元;客人害怕金價再升,隨即付款購買。

高處未算高 內地客照買




Dear Extended Family,

I am in London this evening in my room posting as much serious material as possible to help you understand the new nature of gold; a nature fraught with unprecedented volatility. I will deliver my presentation tomorrow. Right now we have to talk.

Gold from $248 to $524.90 was an arithmetic uptrend based on a re-birthing of gold’s currency roll.

When gold broke out above $524.90 I asked you to please cease trading as gold had moved from phase 1 into a runaway price phase 2. It is this phase which has given you prices in excess of $1650.

$1764 has the same significance as $524.90 because it represents phase 3, the point when a runaway price market for gold would gain exponential properties.

Because $1764 is such significant a number you can expect one of the more serious price battles before the price departs to Alf Fields’ and Armstrong’s higher potentials.

To sum up the situation you haven’t seen anything yet.

As strange as it sounds right now, soon you will begin to see the bearish cabal on mining shares looking for cover where gold will be sold for correct precious metals shares.

Keep the faith. $1650 has been the minimum upside since $248, not the most likely top.


Copied from :

July 15, 2011, at 7:20 am

With gold hitting new all-time highs yesterday in dollars, euros and pounds, today King World News interviewed legendary trader Jim Sinclair and Dan Norcini to get their take on where things stand in the gold market. When Sinclair was asked about the action in gold he stated, “Gold at $1,764 is as important as gold at $524.90, and above $524.90 the gold market went into a runaway. It’s the exact same setup at $1,764, but having said that $1,764 should bring in some significant supply.

However, a move above $1,764 would be the equivalent of $524.90 in the sense that you would go from the runaway that was born at $524.90, into a hyperbolic market. The key to all of this is $1,764 and you will go above that level, but what that does is lock in four figures on the price of gold. A move above $1,764 brings into focus prices as high as $12,000, so we are are approaching the most critical milestone in the entire gold bull market…


網路成癮 腦部結構萎縮 【2011/7/18 20:05】


 媒體報導,研究發現,過度沉迷於網路會對青少年腦部發育造成不良影響,核磁共振掃描結果也顯示,隨著網路成癮的時間愈長,腦部中的灰色神經組織萎縮的愈 多,甚至腦內負責傳遞信息的白質也會出現改變,研究人員表示,這些腦部結構改變會令青少年的認知功能出現異常,也會減低青少年的克制力。


Right-wing party seeks way back to gold standard

By Agnese Smith, July 8, 2011, 4:12 a.m. EDT


ZURICH (MarketWatch) — The Swiss Parliament is expected later this year to discuss the creation of a gold franc — a parallel currency to the official Swiss franc, with the fringe initiative likely triggering a broader debate about the role of the precious metal in the Alpine nation.

The initiative is part of “Healthy Currency,” a campaign sponsored by politicians from the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) — the country’s biggest — that is seeking to capitalize on popular fears about global financial turmoil and inflation to reverse the government’s current policy on gold.

“I can imagine that this will spark some sort of debate about gold and there may be some pressure to accept the parallel currency,” said Dr. Gebhard Kirchgaessner, an economics professor at St. Gallen University. “But it won’t have any real effect on the economy. It seems incredible to imagine that there are people out there willing to buy millions of these things.”

Switzerland, which in 2000 became one of the last countries to decouple its currency from gold, is not the only place to contemplate a change in the precious metal’s role amid controversy over government involvement in the economy. In March, Utah became the first state in the U.S. to legalize gold and silver coins as currency, while similar legislation was considered in Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho and Indiana.

“I want Swiss people to have the freedom to choose a completely different currency,” said Thomas Jacob, the man behind the gold franc concept. ”Today’s monetary system is all backed by debt — all backed by nothing — and I want people to realize this.”

A good part of the enthusiasm for gold, which provokes strong emotion among many who invest in it, has to do with its price: the yellow metal has more than quadrupled during the last decade and now stands at more than $1,500 per ounce.

In the U.S., legislation to allow a gold currency is largely symbolic — a protest against what many consider irresponsible spending by central governments to recharge economies. But according to Jacob, the gold franc has a more practical goal: giving small investors the opportunity to safeguard their investments against global uncertainty.

Modest investors face several hurdles to investing in the precious metal, said the 50 year-old Jacob, a former pilot and currently a sales coach at Zurich Financial Services Group. Collecting coins, bullion and gold certificates typically requires professional advice and even the smallest coin costs around 100 francs. One of the new gold francs, on the other hand, with a gold content of 0.1 grams, could be purchased for just 5 francs (at current prices).

While there is evidence that investing in gold is increasingly popular in Switzerland and other countries, the idea of establishing a gold franc is not foremost on the minds most ordinary Swiss, some of whom still find the subject of gold uncomfortable given the country’s association with precious metals looted in World War II.

“I got rid of my coins a while ago,” said Esther Heusser, a social worker in Jona, Switzerland. “I just didn’t want to think about where they came from.”

The real problem

Very few have even heard of the initiative. The rising Swiss franc, which has jumped 16 percent in two years against the euro and the dollar thanks to its safe haven status, is a much wider concern.

This “is the real problem and it is clear that neither the [Swiss National Bank] nor the government have anything really meaningful against it,” St. Gallen’s Kirchgaessner said. “We might have a real crisis in a couple of years.”

Indeed, the strong franc has clipped corporate earnings of many exporters and has lead to some painful restructuring. Because of the ongoing global financial crisis, investors here and abroad are seeking a safe haven from economic uncertainty and inflation, which Switzerland’s low debt and firm economic footing provides. High gold reserves have also helped.

Jacob doesn’t think the adoption of the gold franc would increase the value of the official currency. “In fact, it would take pressure off,” he speculates.

Like the Swiss franc, gold has jumped for many of the same reasons, even though the Swiss National Bank and other central banks decided to dump the metal after two decades of underperformance against other financial instruments.

Strong demand from China has also helped push gold prices to records. Gold enthusiasts — so-called gold bugs — many of whom see stock markets as no better than gambling casinos and central banks as money printing machines — are rejoicing.

“Buying gold has been the best method for shorting the government,” wrote Shayne McGuire late last year. McGuire, who has predicted that gold could soar to $10,000 an ounce, manages the $500 million GBO Gold Fund for Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

“I strongly believe that present financial conditions are about to transform the investment strategies of the world’s largest investment funds in a way that will cause gold to surge substantially higher,” McGuire wrote in an essay on the metal.

Large reserves

Switzerland still holds a large amount of the precious metal. The alpine country of 7.7 million residents holds 1,040 tons worth about $46 billion, almost as much as China, according to World Gold Council figures. It ranks seventh in its league table, with the US at the top.

In terms of gold reserves per person, it stands at just over $6,000, number one by nearly twice the amount of the next largest hoarder, Lebanon (over $3,000) and nearly six times as much as the US ($1,000), according to The Economist newspaper.

But this is not enough according to the “Healthy Currency” movement.

The SVP, which also wants to limit the autonomy of the Swiss National Bank after it posted big losses trying to tamp down the franc, plans to start collecting signatures for a ballot initiative in mid August, according to Jacob. The party is demanding that the central bank stop any further bank sales, repatriate Swiss gold reserves held abroad, and not allow the proportion of its gold to fall below 20% of its total assets. The campaign is also calling for the country’s withdrawal from the IMF.

Jacob, who claims to have no affiliation with the SVP other than the currency initiative, admits that the success of his gold franc campaign is linked to the amount of publicity the Healthy Currency initiative manages to muster at the end of the summer. “It would definitely put the parallel currency on the agenda,” he said.

And it will be no easy feat. The passage of the legislation will require an amendment to the Swiss constitution and the country is not particularly well known for a reckless pace of change. If rejected, a popular vote — where ordinary Swiss people have their say — is planned, probably in mid 2012, according to Jacob.

If approved, licensed financial institutions can then issue the coins, using their official logo on one side with the other, an easily recognizable Swiss gold franc emblem, Jacob said. The initiative foresees strict regulation by the government to ensure gold content and authenticity.

Even if popularized, the gold coins are unlikely to be in use for commercial reasons as the volatility of gold prices make this unpractical.