Passion * Hope * Dream


July 15, 2011, at 7:20 am

With gold hitting new all-time highs yesterday in dollars, euros and pounds, today King World News interviewed legendary trader Jim Sinclair and Dan Norcini to get their take on where things stand in the gold market. When Sinclair was asked about the action in gold he stated, “Gold at $1,764 is as important as gold at $524.90, and above $524.90 the gold market went into a runaway. It’s the exact same setup at $1,764, but having said that $1,764 should bring in some significant supply.

However, a move above $1,764 would be the equivalent of $524.90 in the sense that you would go from the runaway that was born at $524.90, into a hyperbolic market. The key to all of this is $1,764 and you will go above that level, but what that does is lock in four figures on the price of gold. A move above $1,764 brings into focus prices as high as $12,000, so we are are approaching the most critical milestone in the entire gold bull market…


網路成癮 腦部結構萎縮 【2011/7/18 20:05】


 媒體報導,研究發現,過度沉迷於網路會對青少年腦部發育造成不良影響,核磁共振掃描結果也顯示,隨著網路成癮的時間愈長,腦部中的灰色神經組織萎縮的愈 多,甚至腦內負責傳遞信息的白質也會出現改變,研究人員表示,這些腦部結構改變會令青少年的認知功能出現異常,也會減低青少年的克制力。


Right-wing party seeks way back to gold standard

By Agnese Smith, July 8, 2011, 4:12 a.m. EDT


ZURICH (MarketWatch) — The Swiss Parliament is expected later this year to discuss the creation of a gold franc — a parallel currency to the official Swiss franc, with the fringe initiative likely triggering a broader debate about the role of the precious metal in the Alpine nation.

The initiative is part of “Healthy Currency,” a campaign sponsored by politicians from the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) — the country’s biggest — that is seeking to capitalize on popular fears about global financial turmoil and inflation to reverse the government’s current policy on gold.

“I can imagine that this will spark some sort of debate about gold and there may be some pressure to accept the parallel currency,” said Dr. Gebhard Kirchgaessner, an economics professor at St. Gallen University. “But it won’t have any real effect on the economy. It seems incredible to imagine that there are people out there willing to buy millions of these things.”

Switzerland, which in 2000 became one of the last countries to decouple its currency from gold, is not the only place to contemplate a change in the precious metal’s role amid controversy over government involvement in the economy. In March, Utah became the first state in the U.S. to legalize gold and silver coins as currency, while similar legislation was considered in Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho and Indiana.

“I want Swiss people to have the freedom to choose a completely different currency,” said Thomas Jacob, the man behind the gold franc concept. ”Today’s monetary system is all backed by debt — all backed by nothing — and I want people to realize this.”

A good part of the enthusiasm for gold, which provokes strong emotion among many who invest in it, has to do with its price: the yellow metal has more than quadrupled during the last decade and now stands at more than $1,500 per ounce.

In the U.S., legislation to allow a gold currency is largely symbolic — a protest against what many consider irresponsible spending by central governments to recharge economies. But according to Jacob, the gold franc has a more practical goal: giving small investors the opportunity to safeguard their investments against global uncertainty.

Modest investors face several hurdles to investing in the precious metal, said the 50 year-old Jacob, a former pilot and currently a sales coach at Zurich Financial Services Group. Collecting coins, bullion and gold certificates typically requires professional advice and even the smallest coin costs around 100 francs. One of the new gold francs, on the other hand, with a gold content of 0.1 grams, could be purchased for just 5 francs (at current prices).

While there is evidence that investing in gold is increasingly popular in Switzerland and other countries, the idea of establishing a gold franc is not foremost on the minds most ordinary Swiss, some of whom still find the subject of gold uncomfortable given the country’s association with precious metals looted in World War II.

“I got rid of my coins a while ago,” said Esther Heusser, a social worker in Jona, Switzerland. “I just didn’t want to think about where they came from.”

The real problem

Very few have even heard of the initiative. The rising Swiss franc, which has jumped 16 percent in two years against the euro and the dollar thanks to its safe haven status, is a much wider concern.

This “is the real problem and it is clear that neither the [Swiss National Bank] nor the government have anything really meaningful against it,” St. Gallen’s Kirchgaessner said. “We might have a real crisis in a couple of years.”

Indeed, the strong franc has clipped corporate earnings of many exporters and has lead to some painful restructuring. Because of the ongoing global financial crisis, investors here and abroad are seeking a safe haven from economic uncertainty and inflation, which Switzerland’s low debt and firm economic footing provides. High gold reserves have also helped.

Jacob doesn’t think the adoption of the gold franc would increase the value of the official currency. “In fact, it would take pressure off,” he speculates.

Like the Swiss franc, gold has jumped for many of the same reasons, even though the Swiss National Bank and other central banks decided to dump the metal after two decades of underperformance against other financial instruments.

Strong demand from China has also helped push gold prices to records. Gold enthusiasts — so-called gold bugs — many of whom see stock markets as no better than gambling casinos and central banks as money printing machines — are rejoicing.

“Buying gold has been the best method for shorting the government,” wrote Shayne McGuire late last year. McGuire, who has predicted that gold could soar to $10,000 an ounce, manages the $500 million GBO Gold Fund for Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

“I strongly believe that present financial conditions are about to transform the investment strategies of the world’s largest investment funds in a way that will cause gold to surge substantially higher,” McGuire wrote in an essay on the metal.

Large reserves

Switzerland still holds a large amount of the precious metal. The alpine country of 7.7 million residents holds 1,040 tons worth about $46 billion, almost as much as China, according to World Gold Council figures. It ranks seventh in its league table, with the US at the top.

In terms of gold reserves per person, it stands at just over $6,000, number one by nearly twice the amount of the next largest hoarder, Lebanon (over $3,000) and nearly six times as much as the US ($1,000), according to The Economist newspaper.

But this is not enough according to the “Healthy Currency” movement.

The SVP, which also wants to limit the autonomy of the Swiss National Bank after it posted big losses trying to tamp down the franc, plans to start collecting signatures for a ballot initiative in mid August, according to Jacob. The party is demanding that the central bank stop any further bank sales, repatriate Swiss gold reserves held abroad, and not allow the proportion of its gold to fall below 20% of its total assets. The campaign is also calling for the country’s withdrawal from the IMF.

Jacob, who claims to have no affiliation with the SVP other than the currency initiative, admits that the success of his gold franc campaign is linked to the amount of publicity the Healthy Currency initiative manages to muster at the end of the summer. “It would definitely put the parallel currency on the agenda,” he said.

And it will be no easy feat. The passage of the legislation will require an amendment to the Swiss constitution and the country is not particularly well known for a reckless pace of change. If rejected, a popular vote — where ordinary Swiss people have their say — is planned, probably in mid 2012, according to Jacob.

If approved, licensed financial institutions can then issue the coins, using their official logo on one side with the other, an easily recognizable Swiss gold franc emblem, Jacob said. The initiative foresees strict regulation by the government to ensure gold content and authenticity.

Even if popularized, the gold coins are unlikely to be in use for commercial reasons as the volatility of gold prices make this unpractical.

環境保護 理由被駁回

〔編 譯劉千郁/綜合報導〕世界貿易組織(WTO)預定於週二判定中國限制鋁土、鎂、螢石等九種工業用原物料出口違反WTO規定,同時駁回中國以環境保護做為限 制出口的理由,此舉將為美國與歐盟對中國的稀土出口限額提出告訴鋪路;近來中國控制稀土開採與出口,讓極度仰賴該關鍵原料的歐美國家高科技產業大為緊張。

法 律專家指出,原物料議題「是政治問題多過於貿易問題」,稀土包括十七種稀有元素,廣泛運用於環保能源、通訊、軍事科技等重要產業,二○○九年美國、歐盟、 墨西哥曾就原物料出口提告,如今WTO判定中國違規,將使西方國家反對中國稀土出口限制更站得住腳,如果中國不取消出口限制,這些國家可對中國商品提高關 稅;日前歐盟貿易執委德古特(Karel De Gucht)表示,原物料一案將大幅加強歐盟在稀土案的有利地位。

繼續設限 面臨高關稅


今 年美國鋼鐵業遊說團體致函美國貿易代表,指中國降低礬土的出口配額,二○一○年為九十三萬噸,二○一一年只剩八十三萬噸;另有數據顯示,中國出口的磷由二 ○○五年的十萬噸減少為二○一○年的四萬噸。面對各國的申訴,中國援引WTO第二十條,該條款允許成員國以環境保護等理由限制出口,不過WTO已經駁回這種說法 (個人意見:條款形同無物?)

日前日本在太平洋發現九百億噸的稀土蘊藏,可能終結中國在市場上的獨大地位,在此之前,掌握全球稀土蘊藏量三十%的中國,就佔去全 球供給的九十七%,去年中國減少稀土出口,造成國際價格大漲,稀土生產商Lynas Corp.週二指出,中國蘊藏量最大的三種稀土鑭、鈽、釹,本月價格較上個月下跌,不過仍在高點。




  《印度時報》周一引述歷史學家、印度歷史研究理事會前會長納拉亞南報道,珍貴寶石和珍珠的古董價值無法斷定。印度最高法院審理一宗訴請廟方管理 透明化的案件,下令清點廟產,並指派一個七人小組執行任務。他們從6月27日開始行動,廟內六個密室(編號A至F)中,編號A、B兩個自1872年起便不 曾開啟。

  七人小組日前進入密室A後,發現的近1,000公斤金幣中,包括屬於英國東印度公司時期和拿破崙時代的金幣。另外還有約一噸重大米形狀金飾、滿 滿一麻袋據稱來自緬甸和斯里蘭卡的鑽石、金繩一條、數千條項鏈、三呎半高的維什奴(Vishnu)神像、一呎高一公斤重人形雕像數尊等。不過七人小組成員 拒絕證實寶藏價值,強調只負責廟產清點工作。

  英國《自然.地學》雜誌周日刊登報告說,日本研究人員對太平洋多個地點的海底稀土含量調查顯示,太平洋海底稀泥蘊藏豐富稀土資源。不過,有專家 指出,目前開發海底稀土礦,還面臨成本過高和影響環境等問題。稀土是鑭、釹等元素的總稱,它們是一些電子產品和尖端武器中必不可少的原料。據介紹,隨着全 球高新產業的發展,稀土資源供應呈日益緊張趨勢。

Investors can now buy the precious metal with the same convenience as withdrawing cash from an ATM.

10:00PM BST 30 Jun 2011

The Gold to Go machine, which sells gold at constantly updated prices, is unveiled at the Westfield shopping centre in London on Friday.

The German company behind the machines, Ex Oriente Lux, is capitalising on gold's traditional status as a safe haven investment in times of economic turmoil.

Westfield's gold ATM will sell bars and coins in various sizes, including a special 2.5g bar with the London skyline engraved on its reverse.

Ex Oriente Lux said its products were sold in "top quality" boxes and were "a great gift idea". The 1g gold bar, costing about £41, was "about as cheap as a bouquet of flowers but sure not to wither".

It added: "Gold to Go provides private investors with easy, convenient access to physical gold at fair, real-time prices. The ATMs are always online and update their prices every 10 minutes."